PLANS is a series of images that captures and archives the sites of development in the city of Santa Cruz that are pending, approved, or in-construction in 2018.
As the expansion of Silicon Valley reaches the shores of Santa Cruz, the city is rapidly changing. PLANS aims to visualize the sites of change and loss and to create space for discussions about the types of communities we want to live in.

2120 Delaware Ave.
Status: Phase 1A Complete
Description: Major Modification to revise/reconfigure the site plan of an approved Planned Development (05-0285) for 400,000 sq ft industrial and up to 248 residential units. To be developed in phases 1A, 1B, 2, and 3.

1547 Pacific Ave./1110 Cedar St.
Status: Under Construction
Description: Construction of five-story building with basement and first-floor parking, 5,959 square feet of commercial space fronting Pacific Avenue and Cedar Street, and 63 residential condominiums on the upper floors. The project includes 16 studios, 43 one-bedroom condominiums, and 20 two-bedroom condominiums. Once any unit is sold, twelve of the units will be sold at affordable prices. An at-grade and underground garage provides vehicular and bicycle parking.

1804-1812 Ocean Street
Status: Under Construction
Description: Planned Development to allow for an increase in building height and a reduction in front and side setbacks, Tentative Subdivision Map, Design, Conditional Fence, Non-Residential Demolition, and Special Use Permits to demolish two structures and construct eleven residential
townhouses, five of which are live/work units.

230 Grandview Street
Status: Under Construction
Description: Residential Demolition Permit, design permit, and coastal permit to demolish an existing single family dwelling and construct 12 three-bedroom apartments on an R-L zoned parcel.

307-313-321-335 Riverside Avenue
Status: Under Construction
Description: Planned Development, Design, Coastal, Residential Demolition Authorization, Special Use and Administrative Use Permits and Lot Line Adjustment to demolish three hotels and construct a new 151 room hotel.

301 Beach Street
Status: Under Construction
Description: Design and Coastal Permit to construct an addition to an existing hotel, including the addition of five rooms, two new floors, and a remodel to the exterior.

630 Water Street
Status: Under Construction
Description: Application to add twenty single room occupancy (SRO) units to a developed parcel with 48 existing SRO units, 1,000 sq. ft. of commercial office space; five two-bedroom apartments and 62 parking spaces.

135 Dubois Street
Status: Approved
Description: Design permit, Boundary Adjustment, and Sign Permit to combine two parcels and construct a 107,845 square foot self-storage building.(Statutory Exemption).

335 Golf Drive
Status: Pending Application
Description: Minor Land Division and design permit to construct ten residential units for the developmentally disabled; Historic Alteration Permit and Water Course Development Permit.

1129 Soquel Avenue
Status: Pending Application
Description: Construct a 5,420 square foot mixed-use building with two apartment units.

1800 Soquel Avenue
Status: Approved
Description: Application to demolish the existing commercial buildings and construct 32 residential condominium units and two ground floor commercial condominium units within two, three story buildings.

232 River Street
Status: Approved
Description: Residential Demolition Authorization Permit, Planned Development Permit, Design Permit, Lot Line Adjustment, and Tentative Map to construct a 12-unit residential development on
a 20,794 square foot site in the R-M/ FP-O zone district. Project includes a Tree Removal Permit to allow the removal of one Heritage Tree.

2415 Mission Street
Status: Approved
Description: Boundary adjustment, design permit, and special use permit to construct a new three story apartment building (8 one-bedroom units, 2 two-bedroom units, and 4 three-bedroom units) on an existing parking lot and merge four lots in the CC zoning district.

215 Beach Street
Status: Approved
Description: Residential Demolition Authorization Permit, Historic Demolition Permit, Historic Alteration Permit, Historic Building Survey Deletion, Planned Development, Coastal, Design, Administrative Use, Special Use Permit, Development Agreement, and a Boundary Adjustment to demolish an existing 44-unit residential complex and construct a 165-room hotel with conference
and banquet space, restaurant, retail space, and spa facilities.

350 Ocean Street
Status: Approved
Description: Residential Demolition Permit, Planned Development, Design Permit, and Tentative Map to construct 63 low-income residential apartment units and 6,700 square
feet of commercial space.

2424 Mission Street
Status: Under Construction
Description: Application to demolish the existing commercial buildings and construct 32 residential condominium units and two ground floor commercial condominium units within two, three story buildings.

708, 712, 718, & 720 Water Street
Status: Approved
Description: Lot Line Adjustment, Residential and Non-Residential Demolition Authorization Permits, Design Permit, and Special Use Permit to combine four parcels, demolish seven residences and two commercial buildings, and to construct a 56-unit, 100% affordable rental housing development in
the C-C and R-L Zone Districts.

515 Soquel Avenue
Status: Pending
Description: Demolition Authorization Permit to demolish an existing commercial building and a residential unit, a Boundary Line Adjustment to reconfigure three lots into two lots, and a Conceptual Planned Development Permit and Special Use Permit to construct a four-story structure with
51 single room occupancy units that exceed height in the CC zone district, and two duplex structures with reduced setbacks.

108 Sycamore Street
Status: Approved
Description: Design Permit, Coastal Permit, and Demolition Authorization Permit to demolish
a five-unit residential apartment building and construct a 10-room hotel.

550 2nd Street
Status: Approved
Description: Demolition Authorization Permit to demolish a 20-room hotel and Design, Coastal,
and Special Use Permits to construct a new 60-room hotel.

413 Laurel Street
Status: Under Construction
Description: Use determination to allow for conversion of an office building to two residential units
(on a ground floor and subterranean levels) and a commercial space in an existing building in the
C-N zone district.

1930 Ocean Street Extension
Status: Pending Application
Description: Construction of a 40-unit apartment/condominium development including a General Plan Amendment request to change land use designation from low-density to high-density.

1013 Pacific Avenue
Status: Approved
Description: Tentative Subdivision Map and Design permit to construct a four-story mixed-use building consisting of two ground floor retail condominium spaces, and eighteen residential condominium units on a property located in the Central Business District zone.

189 Beach Street
Status: Pending Application
Description: Coastal, Design, and Historic Alteration Permits to add twelve hotel rooms and reconfigure the parking lot as part of an existing hotel development (Casablanca Inn) in the
RTC zone district.

190 West Cliff Drive
Status: Under Review
Description: Coastal permit, Design Permit, Special Use Permit, Planned Development Permit, Density Bonus request, and tentative map to construct a four-story mixed-use project consisting
of two levels of underground parking, 14,000 sq. ft. of ground level commercial, and 89 residential
condominium units.
[Design models and information provided by the Santa Cruz Planning Department]